Gough Econ Introduces Mid-Size Bucket Conveyor and Elevator System
Gough Econ Inc., based in Charlotte, N.C., is introducing a mid-size Elecon bucket conveyor and elevator system. The system provides a larger capacity bucket design for higher throughput and applications beyond typical dry bulk material handling.
According to the company, with an increased bucket capacity of 495 cubic inches, the new Gough Elecon mid-range bucket elevator offers more than twice the capacity of the original Elecon system.
“The new and additional capacity expands this unit’s capability to not only process applications where our customers traditionally are familiar with this product, but now also allows for its placement in typical higher volumetric capacity packaging system applications,” notes David Risley, president and CEO of Gough Econ.
The new mid-size multi-axis Go Anywhere conveyor has a patented chain and wedge shaped cantilevered bucket design that come together and overlap at the load or fill station. The patented rack and pinion system assures full discharge with a 360 degree bucket rotation on selection and quick return to the upright position for maximum flexibility.
The mid-size Elecon can convey material in three different directions: vertically, horizontally or any direction up to 180 degrees.
This is done without having to transfer the load being conveyed, According to Gough Elecon, the feature makes the conveyor one of the world’s most flexible systems of its kind. It lets users fit the conveyor within their production facility instead of modifying their facility to accommodate the material handling system.
“What we offer is a much simpler system with fewer pieces of equipment,” notes Andy Leitch, vice president of sales for Gough Econ. “It lets users free up critical floor space since much of the movement can be designed to occur overhead. Because it’s so flexible, the Gough Elecon system can virtually handle unlimited circuit designs and configurations.”
The new mid-size unit consists of a heavy-duty proprietary tri-planar chain, a tubular track, and a vertical drive plate for power transfer and chain tension. The chain is constructed of investment cast PIAD alloy links and cruciforms and sealed roller bearings. The chains are assembled individually at Gough Econ’s manufacturing facility to meet precise specifications and to assure high reliability and durability. The chain’s wash through design and PIAD non-corrosive alloy components meet food sanitation requirements.
Made of folded steel, the panels can be enclosed with steel or Lexan panels or they can be left open with the tubes exposed. Open construction allows for easier cleaning and maintenance whereas the two enclosed cases are appropriate for safety applications or to maintain a controlled environment.
Beside the new mid-size unit, other bucket configurations available from Gough Econ include the standard Elecon, the more specialist Pasta bucket that is most suitable for all pasta long goods and the Max-Elecon. The bucket configuration required depends on the throughput and the type of product being conveyed.
For more information on the new Gough Elecon mid-size bucket conveyor, other bucket conveyors in the line or other products, services or capabilities, contact Gough Econ at www.goughecon.com.