CDRA creates Gypsum Recycling Committee

The committee will be comprised of companies involved in every step of recovering drywall, including the manufacturers, contractors, processors and end-users.


Photo from the Recycling Today photo archive

The Construction & Demolition Recycling Association (CDRA), Chicago, has created the Gypsum Recycling Committee to help those involved in the industry grow the recovery rate for the commonly found material. The committee’s mission is to provide guidelines and other assistance in developing and expanding recovery and end markets for recovered gypsum. 

The CDRA says the committee will be comprised of companies involved in every step of recovering drywall, including the manufacturers, contractors, processors and end-users to provide support for the drywall recycling industry. 

Initial actions will include: 

  • creating a drywall diversion policy to develop clear definitions of what types of wallboard can and should be recovered and marketed back to manufacturers of drywall to close the loop on this construction product;
  • developing end product specifications that recyclers must meet to sell the recovered material back to drywall manufacturers;
  • creating best management practices for contractors and processors to increase the diversion of drywall;
  • working with drywall companies to set postrecycled content for new drywall;
  • updating the CDRA’s current Gypsum Recycling Protocol to reflect these actions;
  • promoting third-party certification using a program developed to an ISO level so accurate diversion rates can be obtained for recyclers;
  • promoting certification to drywall manufacturers to demonstrate the recycled content of their products;
  • defining specifications for other end products made from recycled drywall; and,
  • updating CDRA’s website.

The first meeting will be held virtually Jan. 19. Any CDRA member can join this committee and to join, contact the CDRA at