‘C&DR’ seeking industry participation for Largest Demolition Contractors List

For consideration on the list, demolition professionals are asked to submit their 2023 demolition-related revenue by Aug. 16.

excavator in use at demolition site

© lukszczepanski | stock.adobe.com

The September/October issue of Construction & Demolition Recycling (C&DR) once again will feature the magazine’s annual list of the Largest Demolition Contractors in North America, and the editors of the publication are asking readers for their help in compiling the most accurate list possible.

For consideration, demolition professionals are simply asked to fill out this brief form by Friday, Aug. 16.

The critical statistic by which listing order will be determined is demolition-related revenue for 2023. This can include revenue from demolition contracting, the sale of recyclable materials and site-related environmental work, such as asbestos abatement.

Should you have any questions about this list and what the editors of the publication hope to accomplish, please do not hesitate to email C&DR Managing Editor Shelley Mann at smann@gie.net or Associate Editor Haley Rischar at hrischar@gie.net. Thank you in advance for your assistance and participation.

To see last year's list, click here.