Equipment Report

CORRECTION: In the November/December Construction & Demolition Recycling feature titled "An Alternative Approach," a figure of 3,000 rpm for an impactor crushing attachment was inadvertently identified as the operating speed. The operating speed cited should have been from 500 to 1,100 rpm. We apologize for the error.

New Steel Plate Product on the Job at D.H. Griffin
D.H. Griffin Wrecking Co. Inc. (DHGW), Greensboro, N.C., has been serving as a proving ground for Astralloy 4800, a steel plate product designed for heavy-duty applications.

Kenny Wayne Bates of DHGW’s Shear Division says the Astralloy steel’s durability has been clearly seen in shear blade applications. "The longevity of our equipment is the life blood for our operations and competitiveness as a wrecking company," says Bates.

Two years ago, Bates says DHGW tested the Astralloy 4800 alongside OEM material and says he witnessed a significant difference. During the four-month trial, the previous steel plate experienced severe wear and tear while the 4800 managed the workload demonstrably better, according to an Astralloy news release.

"I was overwhelmed and impressed by the Astralloy 4800, so much that we now purchase it direct and create custom liners for our machines – the product is that good," says Bates.

The steel is designed to offer benefits in the way it can withstand extreme abrasion, severe bending and harsh temperatures, according to Astralloy. "We are excited to officially launch Astralloy 4800 in the U.S. market and have customers, like DHGW, who are already seeing the benefits from this improved steel plate," says Axel Barron, international sales manager of Astralloy Steel Products, Birmingham, Ala.

According to Astralloy, applications include blades, bucket liners, crusher stiffeners and shields, screens, dumper bodies, trommels and extraction equipment.

More information about 4800 and other Astralloy products is available at

Equip Sales & Leasing Touts Rockster Machines
Equip Sales & Leasing, based in North Haven, Conn., has announced it has added the Rockster Recycler product line to "transform the way small to larger contractors handle their material needs on the job," according to a Rockster press release.

"With a unit like the Rockster track-mounted impact crusher R900 or jaw crusher R800, the contractor just needs to load the machine and go to the site where it is needed, with no need for transport permits," says Joe Collazo, sales manager of the company. Equip Sales & Leasing buys and sells new and used equipment to its customers throughout the United States, while also expanding foreign markets.

With a total weight of less than 25 tons, Rockster says its impact crusher R900 and jaw crusher R800 feature compact designs and can be moved easily from one operation site to another. Despite their compact designs, both models offer quality performance and can work in various applications ranging from asphalt, concrete and construction and demolition debris, up to hard virgin stone like granite or basalt, the press release says.

To offer a machine for larger projects, Rockster has introduced the 32-ton R1100 impact crusher into the market. This model also features compact transport dimensions, but boasts a production level of close to 300 tons per hour, the release says.

Rockster credits Equip Sales & Leasing’s staff with being comprised of dedicated individuals with specialists in all fields, including earth moving, paving, aggregates and mining.

More information is available at

BHS Signs Biogas System Agreement
Bulk Handling Systems (BHS), Eugene, Ore., a leading manufacturer of recycling processing equipment, has signed an exclusive licensing agreement with Germany-based Eggersmann Anlagenbau to design and build high solids biogas facilities in North America using the Kompoferm system.

The Kompoferm system uses a dry fermentation anaerobic digestion process to create energy from organic waste. BHS bills the system as "highly efficient, with low investment costs and high biogas yields."

"As we continue to move forward in our efforts to extract more value out of the waste stream, we could not ignore the renewable energy potential available from the organic portion of solid waste," BHS President Steve Miller says. "The Kompoferm system is the leading technology of its type in the world and enables BHS to provide its customers with systems that extract high-value recyclable materials from the waste stream, to make these systems energy neutral and to provide additional renewable power to the communities where the waste is generated."

Several biogas plants in Europe have used the Kompoferm process with success, Miller says, adding that while there are biogas plants operating in North America, the standard technology currently used is not as advanced or efficient as the Kompoferm system.

The Kompoferm system can be used in a stand-alone biogas plant or coupled with the patented BHS municipal solid waste (MSW) processing system that separates recyclables from the waste stream. This system provides the feedstock for the biogas system while the digestate makes a feedstock for the compost process.

Miller says several projects using the Kompoferm system are in the planning stages in the United States.

More information on BHS and its full product line is available at

January 2010
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