Editor's Focus

Staying Power

Fads come and go. When a product first gains popularity, sometimes it’s hard to tell if it has any real staying power or if the frenzy surrounding it will be over just about as quickly as it started.

When the concept of "green building" first started to gain traction, it might have been easy for many in the related industries of construction, demolition and C&D recycling to at least view it with caution, if not dismiss it outright. However the last few years have shown that sustainable construction is here to stay.

Some of the strongest evidence is found by examining the green building movement’s industry event—the Greenbuild International Conference and Expo, which is put on by the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC). Since the inaugural event in 2002, the conference has grown at a staggering pace. The Greenbuild Expo of 2002 hosted just more than 4,000 registered attendees and an exhibit hall of 220 booths. Last year’s show, just five years later, hosted a whopping 22,700 attendees, and the exhibit hall had grown to include more than 870 booths. With that kind of support, it’s clear that the green building movement is having a major impact on many industry segments.

Industries are driven by the basic economic concepts of supply and demand. Greenbuild’s rapidly growing attendance demonstrates there is clearly a demand for knowledge about sustainable construction, and an 870-booth exhibit hall shows there are plenty of companies out there ready to provide products and services to meet those demands. While the connection between green building and the construction and demolition industry segments is clear, the role C&D recyclers can play might not seem as clear-cut on the surface. However, the interest in green building and the USGBC’s Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification program is undeniable. C&D recyclers have a role to play in the movement as providers of services that can help builders garner LEED points through C&D debris management. This year, Construction & Demolition Recycling has put together a reference guide to help readers identify Greenbuild exhibitors with ties to the recycling industry, often as consumers of recycled materials. (See p. 55 for the 2008 Greenbuild Expo Guide.)

This year’s Greenbuild Expo in Boston, Nov. 19-21, provides a venue for individuals in many related industries to come together and learn more about the many opportunities green building has to offer. If past trends continue, the movement will grow, and contractors and recyclers would be wise to find their place in that movement so they can take full advantage of the business opportunities green building presents.

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