Association News

Demolition Academy Registration Opens Up

Online registration is now available for the Demolition Academy being hosted by the National Demolition Association in October. The event takes place Oct. 15-17 at the Renaissance Concourse Hotel in Atlanta.

Those seeking more information on the event or wishing to register can go to

The event is an expanded version of the Safety Summit that was formerly held by the group. The three-day event now features additional safety and management training, including several types of certification.

"We decided to re-brand our program and expand its scope to include more topics aimed at both management and others involved in the demolition process," says Michael Taylor, the National Demolition Association’s executive director.

The Demolition Academy begins with the Demolition-Specific OSHA 10-Hour Certification, offered in both English and Spanish. In addition, training is offered on the topics of Confined Space Rescue and Aerial Lift Equipment Safety - Train the Trainer.

Other topics to be covered include managing stress, implosion safety issues, personal protective equipment, confined space awareness and rental equipment safety awareness. Other topics will cover managing a demolition project; how to manage a company’s safety program; when disaster strikes: what to do during an on-site emergency; legal issues confronting the demolition industry; and current human resources issues on the demolition jobsite.

The Demolition-Specific OSHA 10-Hour Training Certification is taught by certified instructors and is required by many of the industry’s larger clients. "It should be an important part of every company’s safety training program," Taylor notes. The course is also required as part of OSHA’s new Disaster Site Worker Training Certification.

Attendees can choose to attend the Demolition Academy for one or more days.

Cost for the OSHA program or the Confined Space Rescue or Aerial Lift Equipment Safety program is $175; cost for the two-day Oct. 16 and 17 safety or management workshops is $275; cost for the Oct. 17 management workshop only is $175; cost for the entire program is $400. The deadline for registration for the OSHA program is Oct. 6.

C&D World Dates Announced

The Construction Materials Recycling Association (CMRA) has announced that the Tampa Convention Center will be the site of C&D World, the 15-year-old event that serves as the association’s annual meeting.

The event is scheduled to take place March 22-24, 2009. Currently the program for the meeting is being developed. Sessions include a panel on end markets for recycled C&D material that will be headed by Dr. Kim Cochran of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), an economic forecast, a session on upgrading a concrete recycling facility, gasification market opportunities, rail haul in the C&D industry, and many others.

For the first time, 2009 C&D World will feature equipment exhibits.

More information is available at and Those interested in submitting a presentation can contact the CMRA at

PCA to Give Awards for Sustainability

The Portland Cement Association (PCA) has announced that the nomination period for its 2007-2008 Sustainable Leadership Awards has closed.

The PCA looked to its members and members of the construction industry at large to nominate public officials who have demonstrated a passion for the three tiers of sustainability—economic responsibility, environmental responsibility and social responsibility. The Leadership in Sustainability Policy Award will honor public officials who advance policies that promote the concept of sustainable development by advocating for and promoting the use of concrete and cement-based products. Additionally, three award categories honor specific projects in Homes and Residential Building, Non-Residential Building and Infrastructure.

Nominations for awards were received from across the country, from Chicago to Los Angeles and New York to Dallas.

AGC Urges Infrastructure Investment

One year after the collapse of the I-35 W bridge in Minneapolis, the country continues to under invest in its transportation infrastructure, according to a statement issued by the Associated General Contractors of America (AGC). National funding has not been increased, and construction materials costs have risen dramatically, making it increasingly difficult for states to address their increasing transportation needs.

In reaction to the bridge collapse, the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) and the states improved inspection practices, and the U.S. Congress provided an additional one-time boost of $1 billion for states to address bridge needs. Unfortunately, the inspections uncovered significant long-term, widespread issues—more than a quarter of the nation’s bridges have structural problems or fail to meet current design standards. State DOTs have undertaken additional inspections and emergency repairs to ensure there are no immanent failures, yet the system still needs an infusion of $65 billion to repair or replace the significant number of bridges that are 50 years or older.

In addition, states are struggling with the rising prices of construction materials—asphalt has more than doubled since the beginning of 2008, with increases of as much as 40 percent announced in many regions since July 1. On-highway diesel fuel costs have risen 68 percent in the past 12 months; reinforcing steel (rebar) has roughly doubled since the beginning of 2008; and the price of construction plastics, such as polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipe and plastic fencing and moisture barriers, have risen 10-25 percent since early 2008.

The problem could be made worse next year when the U.S. DOT may be forced to cut highway funds to states by a minimum of 34 percent because revenue into the federal Highway Trust Fund is not adequate to fully fund the program.

AGC supported The National Surface Transportation Policy and Revenue Study Commission, which recently released its recommendations to Congress on the future federal role in surface transportation policy. AGC experts testified at three commission field hearings and two AGC experts served as members of the Commission’s Blue Ribbon panel.

More information is available at

AEM Supports Infrastructure Campaign

The Association of Equipment Manufacturers (AEM) has announced its support for the FasterBetterSafer campaign of the Americans for Transportation Mobility coalition.

The campaign is intended to urge Congress and the next administration to increase federal investment in the nation’s infrastructure.

"The business community must intensify its efforts now to educate elected officials on critical transportation needs as Congress prepares to reauthorize the surface transportation program next year," says Dennis J. Slater, AEM president. "Infrastructure improvement is a top priority for our member companies and our industry. We are keenly aware of the investment that is taking place in other regions of the world, and there is widespread alarm at the lack of adequate investment to modernize infrastructure here in the United States."

The AEM is prepared to commit resources to the FasterBetterSafer campaign. More information on the association’s efforts is available online at its Web site

ConExpo Asia 2009 Dates, Location Announced

The Association of Equipment Manufacturers (AEM) has announced the next ConExpo Asia exhibition will be held Nov. 16-19, 2009, at the Chinese Import and Export Fair (CIEF) - Pazhou Complex in Guangzhou, China.

ConExpo Asia offers educational opportunities with exhibits of the latest construction technologies, equipment, products and services from Chinese and non-Chinese exhibitors. The event also features working equipment demonstrations, extensive industry-focused educational sessions and co-located industry meetings and events.

The last ConExpo Asia, in 2007, was held at the Guangzhou facility, home to the internationally renowned Canton Fair. ConExpo Asia 2009 will be able to take advantage of the exposition center’s recent expansion, which includes additional indoor and outdoor exhibit space as well as new meeting and function rooms.

More information is available online at C&DR

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